Thursday, April 11, 2013

Flores de mis papas Flowers from my parents

Este dia, el dia despues de habernos averiguado que vamos a ser padres, tuvimos que ir a trabajar porsupuesto! :) Flavio trabajo durante el dia y en la noche. Fui a casa, y tenia sueƱo pero no senti que pude descansar bien. Mis padres tocaron la puerta y me trajeron flores y una tarjeta. Les di abrazos, y saque una foto con ellos. Cuando se fueron, lei de nuevo la tarjeta y me puse emocional :)


This day, the day after we found out we're going to be parents, we had to go to work of course! :) Flavio worked during the day and into the night. I went home, and was sleepy but I felt that I could not sleep well. My parents knocked on the door and brought me flowers and a card. I gave them hugs, and took a picture with them. When they left, I read the card again and got emotional :)

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